May Grunwald eosine Methylene blue solution modified
1. Buffer solution pH 6.8 (7.2)
Dissolve 1 tablet in 1l distilled water.
2. Dilute Giemsa's solution (1:20): Add 10 ml Giemsa's solution to 190ml buffer solution (pH 6.8 or 7.2), mix well, allow to stand 10 minutes and filter if necessary.
For staining automat
Slowly add 25ml Giemsa solution to 275ml buffer (pH 6.8 or 7.2) mix well, allow to stand for 10 minutes and filter if necessary.
Procedure Staining rack Methanol 3min
Dilute Giemsa's solution 15–20min
Rinse with buffer solution Drying Coplin jar
Blood smears Air dried
Methanol 3–5min
Dilute Giemsa solution 15–30min
Wash in buffer solution 2 x 1min
Drying Staining automat Methanol 3min
Dilute Giemsa solution 15–30min
Wash in buffer solution 1min
Tap water 2min
Drying 3min
Nuclei: purple to violet
Lymphocytes: plasma light blue
Monocytes: plasma dove blue
- neutrophilic: granules delicate violet
- eosinophilic: granules red to grey-blue
- basophilic: granules strong violet
Thrombocytes: violet
Erythrocytes: weak red
Blood parasites: nulei bright red